Post-Conference Tour of MIT Research Labs
A post-conference tour of 4 research labs at MIT is scheduled in the morning of Friday, July 19th, 2024. The tour will be arranged as below:
All participants will be organized into two groups: Group 1 and 2, capped with 29 people in each group;
Group 1 and 2 will be placed on the 1st floor and the 2nd floor separately to tour 2 research labs on each floor, then groups will exchange floor to tour the other 2 research labs with a short break in-between;
Tour is scheduled to begin at 9:00am and takes about two hours;
Interested participants will need to choose the tour option along with registration for the conference and a nominal fee of $10 will be charged for the tour. More details will be posted in Registration section of this website.
MIT research labs are in a 25-minutes walking distance from Sheraton Boston. Participants can either walk or take public transportation (Bus Route 1) to meet with volunteer tour guides at 9:00am sharp at MIT Main Entrance: Lobby 7, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139. (See Map)
No food and drinks will be allowed during the tour.
Information for research labs can be found in the following links:
d'Arbeloff Lab directed by Prof. Harry Asada: https://darbelofflab.mit.edu/ (MIT 1-007)
Mechatronics Research Lab directed by Prof. Kamal Youcef-Toumi: https://mechatronics.mit.edu/ (MIT 1-010)
Biomimetic Robotics Lab directed by Prof. Sangbae Kim: https://biomimetics.mit.edu/ (MIT 3-137)
The Eric P. and Evelyn E. Newman Laboratory for Biomechanics and Human Rehabilitation directed by Prof. Neville Hogan: https://newmanlab.mit.edu/ (MIT 3-144)
Campus information of MIT can be found here: https://whereis.mit.edu/.