Student Award for AIM 2024
The Organizing Committee of AIM 2024 is pleased to announce the Student Award Program which aims to encourage students to attend the conference in person and to present their research outcomes. The awards will be used to offset partial cost for students’ conference expense. The amount awarded will depend on the number of applicants by the deadline and the total available funds and will be specified in the notice letter.
13 June 2024 Update:
The student support award has so far been granted to a great number of students to cover their registration fees. Currently, we still have some ASME funds left, which allow us to support students with ASME memberships from universities both in and outside the USA.
We have just received confirmation of NSF funds to support students from universities in US to attend AIM 2024. As such, we are in the position to take more applications of students (no requirement of society memberships) from American universities and also applications of students with ASME membership from universities both in and outside US. Interested students can contact Conference Student Chair, Prof. Minghui Zheng (mhzheng@tamu.edu) for more details.
Eligibility and Requirements (All must be satisfied)
The applicant must be a student author (at Master or Ph.D. level) before or on the due date of a submission of contributed conference paper, TMECH/AIM Focused Section paper, and late breaking poster and the paper or poster must be accepted for presentation at the conference.
The applicant must be the presenter of the paper or the poster.
The applicant must be a Student Member of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and/or ASME.
The expenses covered by the Award should not be paid through any other means.
Underrepresented minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply
Award Notification
The award notice is expected to be sent out in May 2024. Please note if you register for the conference and receive the Award thereafter which includes coverage of the student registration fee, a refund of student registration fee will be issued.
Application Procedures
The application opens on April 25, 2024 and closes on May 16, 2024. Application for student travel support must be made by the student (only). To apply, students must fill out and submit the application form and a supporting letter from the academic advisor via this google form: https://forms.gle/GpFBMEuXzsHHVuHD6. The letter needs to verify (1) the student status of the applicant at the time of the submission, and (2) that the applicant will present a paper/poster at AIM 2024. The application form and a template of the letter can be downloaded from the conference website.. For any questions, please contact Prof. Minghui Zheng via mhzheng@tamu.edu.